General Characteristics of Bing Fire

Bing Fire individuals are routine-driven and dependable, often resistant to change. They are highly positive, energetic, and generous, always seeing the good in every situation. Bing Fire people tend to focus on the big picture, sometimes overlooking minor details. They are highly independent and work best alone, preferring not to micromanage.

Classic Text Description of Bing Fire Element

“The heaven’s emperor, the sun, burning gorgeously in the sky. Eternally giving to earth and all the heavenly planets, You provide us with strength for every breath and moment of life. And what in return? The pleasure of a simple reflection. Your light shines brightly on metal and water, And you dance in the reflections they shine back to you. Your talent is something to behold, Commanding our attention towards your great power and marvel. To be sure, others in your universe cannot weigh up.. Not only to your daily wonder show of light and beauty, But to your powers of creativity and celestial imagination, there is no other. You are the light in the universe with infinite possibilities, And there is no other who can substitute you.”

Health of Bing Fire

Bing Fire individuals need to pay attention to their small intestine, shoulders, forehead, and eyesight. A balanced Bing Fire person generally digests food well and maintains good overall health.

Health Issues Based on Fire Balance

  • Excessive Fire: Susceptible to inflammation in the digestive tract and shoulders, high blood pressure, and headaches in the forehead region.
  • Deficient Fire: Prone to indigestion, bloating, and poor eyesight.

Solutions to Balance Bing Fire Daymaster Element


Swimming can help calm the nervous system and tone down excessive Bing Fire energy.


Acupuncture along the Heart and Small Intestine Meridian can treat imbalance. Acupoint Shaoze (SI 1), found on the Small Intestine Meridian, is commonly used to balance Bing Fire.


Herbal medicines such as Lian Zi Xin (Lotus Seed Core), which have meridian affinity with the Heart and Small Intestine, can help tone down excessive fire in Bing Fire individuals.

Bazi Analysis

Analyzing the entire natal chart can reveal other elements that help balance the elemental constitution of a person. Yearly, monthly, and even daily analysis of the interaction between natal elements and environmental changes can provide insights into maintaining balance through behaviors, activities, acupuncture, and herbal medicine treatments.

Understanding and balancing the Bing Fire Daymaster element through these practices can enhance well-being and overall life satisfaction.


By adminsz


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