General Characteristics of Yi Wood

Yi Wood individuals are as graceful as flowers, embodying calmness and refinement. They are flexible and adaptive, maneuvering around obstacles to reach their goals. Creative and resourceful, Yi Wood people approach problems from multiple angles. However, they can be easily angered and sometimes seen as untrustworthy due to their adaptability and inclination to sway with circumstances. Yi Wood individuals thrive in team environments, relying on others to support their growth. They love praise and flourish when appreciated.

Classic Text Description of Yi Wood Element

“Young one, you come in many forms, and yet are always perennial by nature. Flowers, grasses, ivy, potted plants – all together this one essential element. Lush, colorful palette for our eyes you create, And your sweet smells caress our senses. Just as a rose, you are a constant surprise, Your sensitivity and beauty masks a determined will to survive. Just as ivy, you wrap around your nearest support, In every twist and turn you thrive and grow. Each petal and leaf you offer forth, Seeking admiration and attention is the language you speak. We feed and protect you like a fragile whisper in the wind, And yet no axe can stop your unbeatable spirit for life. You strive to reach the top of success and fame, Any pressure simply absorbed, like the grass beneath our feet.”

Health of Yi Wood

A balanced Yi Wood individual will have strong life energy and a healthy Liver and Gallbladder system. Here are potential health issues based on the balance of Yi Wood:

  • Excessive Yi Wood: May lead to stiff neck and shoulders, tight ligaments and tendons, and hepatitis.
  • Deficient Yi Wood: May result in decreased immunity, arthritis, and susceptibility to depression.

Solutions to Balance Yi Wood Daymaster Element

Earth Walking

Taking long walks barefoot on the earth and soil can help rebalance the Yi Wood energy of the person.


Acupuncture along the Gallbladder Meridian can treat the imbalance of Yi Wood individuals. Acupoint Yang Ling Quan (GB 34) is commonly used to balance the Gallbladder.


Herbal medicines such as Long Dan Cao, which have meridian affinity with the Gallbladder, can help clear and balance the Yi Wood Daymaster element.

Bazi Analysis

Analyzing the entire natal chart can reveal other elements that help balance the elemental constitution of a person. Yearly, monthly, and even daily analysis of the interaction between the natal elements and environmental changes can provide insights into how to maintain balance through activities, acupuncture, and herbal medicine treatments.

Understanding and balancing the Yi Wood Daymaster element through these practices can help enhance well-being and overall life satisfaction.


By adminsz


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