In the previous articles of the BaZi Fengshui Series, we explored the concepts of fate, destiny, and luck. Here, we’ll delve deeper into how your actions shape your future and how you can cultivate blessings through specific practices.

Understanding Fate, Destiny, and Luck


Fate is the energetic potential and imprints you are born with. These are the conditions and circumstances you inherit due to your past actions.


Destiny is what you do with the potential and conditions given to you by fate. It’s about how you navigate your life, the choices you make, and the actions you take.


Luck is the positive outcome of past actions, which may be delayed but will manifest when the right conditions arise. In essence, luck is not random but a result of your previous deeds.

The Power of Actions

Your actions, both past and present, determine your future. There is no inherent “good luck” or “bad luck”; instead, these are the results of your actions. Every blessing or disaster in your life is self-inflicted based on your past behaviors.

Cultivating Blessings

To cultivate blessings and positive outcomes in your life, consider the following practices:

1. Be Kind

Kindness has a powerful impact on others and will eventually return to you in positive ways. Acts of kindness create a ripple effect, bringing back good energy and opportunities.

2. Have Patience

Patience is crucial in recognizing that the seeds of your good deeds may not sprout immediately. Trust that your kind actions will bear fruit in due time.

3. Cultivate Your Heart

Expanding your heart through compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, filial piety, and rejoicing in others’ success leads to greater blessings.

Compassion and Empathy

By feeling the suffering of others and helping them, you create positive energy around you.


Letting go of past grievances allows you to move forward and create a better future.


Recognizing the contributions of others to your success helps you become more selfless and willing to give back to society.

Filial Piety

Honoring your parents and ancestors is fundamental, as they are the reason for your existence.

Rejoicing in Others’ Success

Being happy for others’ achievements eliminates jealousy and brings more joy and happiness into your life.


Your future is not predetermined by fate or luck but is in your hands through the actions you take. By practicing kindness, patience, and cultivating your heart, you can create a positive trajectory for your life. Remember, every small act of goodness accumulates over time, leading to an ocean of blessings when the time is right.

For more insights and personalized guidance, consider consulting with a BaZi expert who can help you understand your chart and how to align your actions with your destiny.

Stay tuned for more content in the BaZi Fengshui Series!

By adminsz


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