Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese practice, has evolved into various schools over the centuries. Each school offers unique techniques and principles, sometimes leading to contradictions when practiced together. One of the prominent schools is the Eight Mansion School, also known as Ba Zhai, which focuses on harmonizing individuals with their living environments by categorizing houses and people into East and West groups.

Understanding the Eight Mansion School

The Eight Mansion School categorizes houses and people into two main groups: East Group and West Group. This categorization is based on the house’s “sitting” direction, which is the back of the house, rather than the “facing” direction.

East Group Directions:

  • East
  • Southeast
  • North
  • South

West Group Directions:

  • West
  • Northwest
  • Southwest
  • Northeast

Practical Application of Eight Mansion Feng Shui

In practice, the Eight Mansion School suggests that East Group people thrive in East Group houses and West Group people in West Group houses. However, family members or groups of people often belong to both groups, requiring a balance to ensure everyone benefits.

Optimizing Living Spaces

  1. Sleeping Direction and Location: If one partner in a couple is an East Group person and the house is a West Group house, the East Group partner can sleep in a direction favorable to them, like facing North or South.
  2. Main Door and Entrance: Utilize a main door that aligns with the favorable direction of the individual. For example, an East Group person can use a door in the East sector of the house.
  3. Work Station: Position desks and workspaces to face favorable directions for optimal productivity and well-being.

Determining Your Group: East or West?

Your group is determined by your year of birth using the solar calendar, which begins around February 4th each year. This is different from the lunar calendar, which can start in January or February. Each person’s “Ming gua” or personal trigram, derived from their birth year, categorizes them into either the East Group or West Group.

Using Your Best Personal Directions

Once you know your personal trigram and group, you can utilize your top four preferred directions for various aspects of your life. Here are ways to optimize these directions:

  1. Sleeping Location and Direction: Align your bed to face one of your favorable directions.
  2. Work Station Location and Direction: Position your desk and workspace in a favorable location and direction.
  3. Main Entrance Direction: Choose a main door that aligns with your favorable direction.
  4. Daily Activities: Spend most of your waking hours in locations within the house that align with your favorable directions.

Stylizing Your Best Directions

The Eight Mansion School not only divides directions into two groups but also assigns specific influences and sub-categories to each person’s top four preferred directions. For instance, a person with the Zhen trigram (born in 1979, East Group) may find that sleeping with their head towards the East provides the most rest, while sleeping towards the South may enhance financial success.

Precision with Directions

Using an accurate compass is crucial to determine the exact directions within your living space. Even a few degrees can make a significant difference in Feng Shui, influencing whether a direction is beneficial or not.


Feng Shui, when applied correctly, can enhance various aspects of life, from health and well-being to career and financial success. By understanding and utilizing your best personal directions according to the Eight Mansion School, you can align your living space to support and energize you, leading to a more harmonious and fulfilling life.

By adminsz


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